George Ward Tjungurrayi

Soakage Water of Kirrimalunya 2005

1800mm x 1500mm

FOR SALE $26,500

George Ward Tjungurrayi was born near Kiwirrkura. It was only in his teenage years that he first encountered Europeans, when a commonwealth welfare patrol came upon his family group camped by a desert waterhole. After travelling to the government settlement at Papunya, first home of the desert painting movement,

Ward worked briefly as a fencer and a butcher in the community kitchen. He began painting for the Papunya Tula Artists in about 1976. His country covers the sites around Wala Wala, Kiwirrkura, Lake Mackay, Kulkuta, Karku, Ngaluwinyamana and Kilpinya to the north-west of Kintore across the West Australian border.George paints the Tingari stories for this region.

In 2004 George won the 2004 Wynne Art Prize at the Art Gallery of New South Wales for his topographical depiction of the Western Desert. He has also exhibited in many galleries throughout Australia and worldwide. His works are highly sought after by collectors.

Information Source: Mitchell Fine Art Gallery

Soakage Water of Kirrimalunya 2005
acrylic on linen
1800mm x 1500mm

Purchased from Fireworks Gallery, Brisbane 2005

For Sale – $26,500

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