An essay of a new and compact Map

containing the known parts of the Terrestrial Globe by N. Bellin, Engineer of the Marine at the Hague by P. de Hondt

690mm x 515mm

FOR SALE $2,500

World map showing Australia as Hollandia Nova, joined to Nova Guinea and Terre de Diemen. Relief shown pictorially.

Title from decorative cartouche.

Prime meridian: Paris and L’Isle de Fer.

In lower left margin: Essay d’une carte reduite contenant les parties connues du globe terrestre par N. Bellin, Ingenieur Ordinaire de la Marine a la Haye chez Pierre de Hondt 1850.

In lower right margin: Proef van eene Aan-eengeschakelde kaart der Bekende-Deelen des Gantschen Aardbols door N. Bellin, Ingenieur des Frassen-Zeevaards in ‘s Hage by Pieter de Hondt 1850.

Map by Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772

An essay of a new and compact map containing the known parts of the terrestrial globe [cartographic material] / by N. Bellin, Engineer of the Marine at the Hague by P. de Hondt
[The Hague : Pieter de Hondt, 1850]

690mm x 515mm

Purchased from Private Collection, Brisbane 1990

For Sale – $2,500

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